Bush Supporters (group photo)
drink the Kool-Aid (verb)
"To become a firm believer in something; to accept an argument or philosophy wholeheartedly or blindly." -- Source: wordspy.com
"Rather than return to the United States, the People's Temple would preserve their church by making the ultimate sacrifice: their own lives. Jones's 912 followers were given a deadly concoction of purple Kool-Aid mixed with cyanide, sedatives, and tranquilizers. Jones apparently shot himself in the head..." -- Source: infoplease.com
Kool-Aid Gulpers -- From Jimbo to Bushco
"Stop drinking the Kool-Aid!" -- KoolAidGulpers.com
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At April 14, 2006 8:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
There's something weird with your webpage. The text doesn't show up unless I swipe across the blank areas with my mouse.
Is this some form of censorship, or is it how you set up the page?
At April 14, 2006 8:59 PM,
blurbees.com said…
It's either a weird glitch or censorship. We can't figure out which.
What browser/ISP are you using?
AOL is usually a day or two behind showing updates to certain blogspot blogs (for some odd reason), but this missing/hidden text thing is almost a week old and was glitching like that from the getgo -- in two of the browsers we tested -- one being AOL's, and another trying directly off the desktop using IE. Anyone else having similar problems seeing the text?
Also, I'm no longer able to post comments to the huffingtonpost.com using my main computer. It claims that I'm not logged in when I clearly am. In any case, it refuses to let me comment about anything.
Huffpo has not answered any of my numerous emails about this. Who knows if they even get them.
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